Aboriginal Language Initiative (ALI) – Ontario Region Call for Proposals for 2007-2008

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Aboriginal Language Initiative (ALI) – Ontario Region Call for Proposals for 2007-2008

September 18, 2007

The Sweetgrass First Nations Language Council Inc. Has Been Designated to Administer the 2007-2008 Aboriginal Language Initiative for the Ontario Region In partnership with the Department of Canadian Heritage

Project Proposals must be received by: Thursday, September 27, 2007!

On behalf of the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Sweetgrass First Nations Language Council Inc. is making this call for community based Aboriginal Language Initiative project proposals from Ontario First Nations communities and organizations, both on-reserve and off-reserve, working to reverse the erosion of First Nations languages in this province.

ALI Objectives

The Department of Canadian Heritage has indicated that the objectives of the funding is to: increase the number and quality of First Nations languages projects in First Nations communities; increase the number of communities and individuals involved in First Nations languages activities; and support the development of long term strategies for the revitalization and maintenance of First Nations languages.

Long term strategies include increasing the number of speakers of First Nations languages; expanding the domains in which First Nations languages are spoken; and increasing intergenerational transmission.

Ontario’s Languages

In Ontario there are 134 First Nations Communities and as many off-reserve/urban based First Nations organizations.

Eligible Languages

The Language Projects eligible for this call will be the following 13 languages that reside in Ontario:

  • Three Fires Confederacy Languages: Ojibwe, Odawa, Potawotomi
  • Six Nations Confederacy Languages: Mohawk, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, Tuscarora
  • Cree Family: Cree, Oji-Cree
  • Algonquin Lenni Lanapi: Delaware