KI chief writes to AFN National Chief concerning speech to Mining conference


Letter from Chief Donny Morris to National Chief Phil Fontaine

September 12, 2007

Assembly of First Nations
Trebla Building
473 Albert Street
Suite 810
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 5B4

Dear National Chief Fontaine,

RE:     Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Speaking Engagement
          October 12, 2007

With reference to the above I understand that you will be speaking at the upcoming gathering of PDAC in Toronto next month. 

As you may be aware, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, (formerly Big Trout Lake First Nation) is still in litigation with a junior exploration company, namely Platinex Incorporated, out of Aurora, Ontario.  The Company, Platinex Inc., is affiliated with PDAC and also retains Fasken Martineau as legal counsel, who is also the sponsor for the PDAC gathering.

Since  Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug is a member of the Assembly of First Nations I have some concerns and questions pertaining to your participation in the upcoming gathering of the Association. 

First, as Chief of Kitchenuhmaykoosib, it concerns me when the National Chief participates in events such as this gathering when one of it’s members is in a legal battle with an exploration company with affiliations to PDAC. Our particular matter is still before the courts where KI is protecting their traditional lands from further exploitation of our lands and resources.  Having said that, what is your position concerning our present situation?

Second, what is the intent of your speaking engagement and what do you hope to accomplish? 

I am compelled to forward these concerns and questions on behalf of our First Nation.  I am not opposed to development per say providing our Treaty and Aboriginal Rights are always in the forefront and protected at all costs including the recognitions and acknowledgment of our values systems and beliefs as it relate to our lands and resources.

In closing, I look forward in receiving a formal response to my query and would appreciate obtaining a copy of your presentation beforehand for my review and information should I decide to attend the gathering.

Thank you

Original Letter signed by Chief Donny Morris