AFN invites ALL First Nations Youth to 3rd National First Nations Youth Summit

All First Nations Youth Invited to Join Together at the 3rd National First Nations Youth Summit

At the 3rd National First Nations Youth Summit, you’ll meet other First Nations youth from Across Canada, share your ideas and help design a Plan of Action for our Youth Leaders for the next five years.

Have some fun!

While you’re at the Summit, check out celebrations at the 2007 Manito Ahbee - A Festival for All Nations. Also watch for special music and cultural presentations to be co-hosted by Manito Ahbee and the Assembly of First Nations.

If you’re between 18 and 29 years of age, ask your Chief to sponsor you.

Show your talent. Win a free trip!

You can win an all-expense paid trip to attend the Youth Summit in a national writing contest. This contest is open to all First Nations youth aged 18 to 29.

Submissions Guidelines:

  • 10 pages maximum in length (1.5 line spacing; 12 point font);
  • English or French submissions accepted (First Nations language submissions will be accepted  if an English/French translated version is also submitted);
  • Submissions are encouraged to be related to your vision of our future generations, such as the one suggested by the AFN Youth Council:

Our people will live as healthy, self-determining First Nations in which they value and respect their individual lives, families, communities and nations. Our future generations will be raised only on truth and they will live and love their traditional roles, family history, and understand how history relates to who they are. Our people will trust – trust within themselves, within the family, trust within the community, and with other nations, lands and resource;

  •  Submissions should be sent to below by October 1, 2007, 5PM Eastern Time.

‘Rebuilding Our Nations – National Unity, Voices From The Community

Hosted by
the Assembly of First Nations National Youth Council
October 30 - November 1, 2007
Winnipeg, Manitoba
The summit will be held at the Winnipeg Convention Centre

Speak up! Be heard! It’s a Youth Day of Action!

To get more information, please contact Donnie Garrow at 1-866-869-6789/613-241-6789, extension 369, or visit