United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples being voted on this week

National Chief Phil Fontaine appeals to everyone to send a message to the Canadian government to change their position opposing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples that will be voted on this week. Below is the National Chiefs' public appeal as well a global petition organized by the Grand Council of the Crees and Amnesty International Canada in support of the Declaration. Please consider signing the petition ...

Assembly of First Nations
To: All First Nations Chiefs of Canada

Re: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

On September 13, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly will consider the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples for final adoption.

This Declaration has been in development for many years. The principles that it expresses are of the greatest concern to indigenous peoples worldwide, including First Nations in Canada. These principles acknowledge the fundamental rights of indigenous peoples, rights which have been overlooked, ignored or abridged far too often in many countries around the world, including Canada. This history is a global dishonour which nations must begin to address. The Declaration will be an important step in doing so.

Recently, a compromise on amendments to the Declaration was reached between several nations which make its adoption more likely. The Assembly of First Nations is not opposed to these changes and strongly supports the final adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the vote next week.

It is with great disappointment that we note the opposition of the Government of Canada to the Declaration. As part of a small group of like-minded colonial nations, Canada is seeking to prevent the global community from giving recognition to the rights of indigenous citizens.

The Assembly of First Nations has taken steps to urge nations around the world to reject this position and to convey to others in the community of nations their support for the basic human rights of all peoples. We continue to advocate for a change in approach by the Government of Canada on behalf of all First Nations.

I urge all First Nations, in whatever manner they are able, to take steps to convince Canada to join with the global community in supporting the basic human rights of indigenous peoples.

Phil Fontaine,
National Chief

For more information, contact:

Josee Bellemare, Bilingual Communications Officer
Telephone: (613) 241-6789 ext. 336
Cell: (613) 327-6331
E-mail: jbellemare@afn.ca


Subject: Action! Rights of Indigenous Peoples / Droits des peuples autochtones
Importance: High

ARE YOU PROUD? Canada one of few expected to vote against the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

On September 13, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly is scheduled to consider adoption of the long awaited and much needed Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Canada is one of only a few countries planning to vote against it. The Declaration would be a major step towards eliminating the human rights violations suffered by 370 million Indigenous people worldwide. The Native Women's Association of Canada is marching in Montréal today Fri. Sept 7, 2007 alongside the Québec Native Women in support of the UN Declaration.  Urge Prime Minister Harper to support the Declaration.

Sign a global petition organized by Grand Council of the Crees and Amnesty International Canada in support of the Declaration. www.amnesty.ca/ip_un_petition/UN_indigenous_rights_petition.php