Aboriginal women in Winnipeg create "Empowering Our Little Sisters" program

From Empowering Our Little Sisters web site at http://www.empoweringsisters.com


This volunteer based program focuses on urban Aboriginal girls ages 7 to 15 living in Winnipeg.

Delivered in partnership by Big Brothers, Big Sisters Winnipeg and various other community assets, our activities are focused on providing meaningful learning and cultural opportunities through positive activities, mentorship, friendship and relationship building to empower young girls to dream and achieve their goals.

Our mentorship program is focused on building meaningful relationships and learning opportunities for Aboriginal girls.

Our Mission:

Empower and aid in the self-development of Aboriginal girls through mentorship, relationship building, friendship, education and awareness on key life issues such as  bullying, healthy  lifestyles, cultural pride, self-esteem, and the importance of education.


Women and girls of Aboriginal descent represent a unique population with special needs. Aboriginal women are disproportionately represented among those adversely affected by poverty, teen pregnancy, school dropout, depression, stress, and single parenting.

As such, Empowering Our Little Sisters addresses the health, cultural, and social concerns of girls of Aboriginal descent for life enhancement.


Created by Aboriginal women, for our little sisters, all programs are delivered by volunteers and are free of charge. Anyone can participate in any Little Sister activities at any time.

Empowerment Principles:

•        Self-Knowledge
•        Self-Development
•        Self-Esteem

Mentorship opportunities include:

  • Big Bunch group mentoring
  • Community Matching
  • Child Safety & Empowerment

Each month, girls and their mentors also gather for friendship and learning activities which include:

  • Sharing Circles
  • Crafts, Baking
  • Story Telling
  • Movies
  • Workshops
  • Guest Speakers
  • Elder Teachings

Click here to watch the "Empowering Our Little Sisters" video featuring Susan Aglukark! (requires Quicktime)