NAN First Nation Chiefs Resolution supports operating local broadband networks

The Chiefs of Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) renewed their commitment to developing and operating successful First Nation owned and managed broadband networks at the Annual Keewaywin Conference that took place in Aroland First Nation on August 14, 15 & 16, 2007.

In February 2003, the NAN Chiefs in Assembly passed Resolution 03/49: SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NAN BROADBAND REGIONAL NETWORK FOR FIRST NATIONS which among other things directed government programs and services along with other agencies to utilize local community networks. This August resolution calls for government programs and services as well as all organizations doing business in NAN First Nations to contribute to the ongoing operation of these networks, the same way they pay for these services for their own operation centres.

The following is the draft text of the resolution that was presented to the NAN chiefs for their consideration.


MOVED BY: Chief Arthur Moore, Constance Lake First Nation

SECONDED BY: Chief Pardamus Anishinabie, Sandy Lake First Nation

DECISION: Passed without revisions

WHEREAS the Chiefs of Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) demonstrated their support for the development of community-based broadband networks that work with Nishnawbe Aski Nation and other First Nation regional networks;

WHEREAS  universal access and quality of broadband services are integral to renewed economic, health, education, social and cultural benefits and opportunities for Nishnawbe Aski Nation First Nations, and a generally improved quality of life for Nishnawbe Aski Nation citizens and Nishnawbe Aski Nation;

WHEREAS  broadband community networks and information and communication technologies (ICTs) are a key tool in Nation building and support for healthy communities, involving all First Nations, tribal councils and regional organizations in the development and maintenance of a sustainable and shared broadband communications infrastructure for the Nishnawbe Aski people;

WHEREAS  broadband infrastructure and ICT hardware and software continue to evolve, requiring continuous upgrades, maintenance and management; and

WHEREAS  organizations and institutions delivering online services are pressuring First Nations to provide facilities, staffing, equipment and support for their programs and services, without paying for these local services; and

WHEREAS operational funding to support community-owned broadband networks, services, facilities, staffing and equipment require contributions by every organization, institution and government program to ensure the sustainability of these local resources and services;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Chiefs-in- Assembly support the development of local First Nation community networks and regional First Nation broadband networks and all levels of government are urged to support these networks by identifying strategies for developing and delivering innovative services and delivery models;

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Executive Council is mandated to ensure all federal and provincial government programs and services, as well as all institution and corporations doing business Nishnawbe Aski Nation are encouraged to work cooperatively with and employ the existing regional and community broadband networks, to ensure their sustainability; and

FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED that the federal and provincial governments must develop equitable and affordable broadband infrastructure in all Nishnawbe Aski First Nations is capable of supporting video, voice and data traffic, and must provide funding for the further development of the community and regional networks and infrastructure.