New INAC Minister Chuck Strahl challenged to continue work begun by Prentice

NAN press release ...

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief urges new INAC Minister to follow through on recent commitments to NAN territory

     THUNDER BAY, ON, Aug. 15 /CNW/ - Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Stan Beardy congratulates new Indian and Northern Affairs Minister (INAC) Chuck Strahl, urging him to follow through on recent commitments by former Minister Jim Prentice to deal with unique challenges of Ontario's remote First Nation communities.

     "The Hon. Jim Prentice has recently paid more attention to the unique conditions of some of our 49 First Nation communities," said NAN Grand Chief Stan Beardy, adding Prentice accompanied him on a trip to Fort Albany and Kashechewan just last week. "It's important now that Minister Strahl continues this commitment to not only specific NAN communities ie: Pikangikum and Kashechewan, but across NAN territory."

     Former Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Charles Straul was appointed to the Indian and Northern Affairs Ministry during Prime Minister Stephen Harper's much anticipated cabinet shuffle Tuesday.

     "I'm hopeful Minister Strahl will be receptive to NAN leadership and our work toward addressing our many challenges to improve the quality of life for our people and communities," said Beardy. "I invite him to meet with NAN leadership to hear first hand the unique challenges faced in our communities and to establish a relationship based on the need to improve conditions for First Nations across the North."

     Nishnawbe Aski Nation is a political Aboriginal organization representing
49 First Nation communities across two-thirds of Ontario. 34 of these communities are accessible via airplane only.


/For further information: Jenna Young, Director of Communications, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, (807) 625-4952 OR (807) 628-3953 (mobile)/


AFN press release ...

AFN National Chief Phil Fontaine looking forward to working with new federal Minister of Indian Affairs announced today by the Prime Minister

     OTTAWA, Aug. 14 /CNW Telbec/ - Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine said he is looking forward to working with the new federal Cabinet announced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Among other changes, the new Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development is the honourable Chuck Strahl, who replaces former Minister Jim Prentice.

     "We welcome the honourable Chuck Strahl as the new Minister of Indian Affairs and view this as an opportunity to embark on new initiatives aimed at a better future for all Canadians," said National Chief Fontaine. "The success of the Minister of Indian Affairs is very much dependent on a positive relationship with First Nations and we are ready to work on a positive agenda aimed at lifting First Nations out of poverty. This requires a focus on two key elements: our people and our lands. We must invest in education and training for First Nations as the key improving the lives of our people, and ensuring Canada has a skilled workforce to meet the coming labour shortage. As well, lands are central to the ability of First Nations to build their economies. We must ensure our people achieve a fair share in the benefits and riches of their traditional lands, and we can do so through win-win approaches like resource revenue sharing."

     The National Chief noted that this approach was widely endorsed by provincial premiers and territorial leaders at the recent Council of the Federation meeting. The National Chief will also present detailed proposals on these initiatives as part of the upcoming federal Pre-Budget Submissions process.

     "It is increasingly clear that the future of First Nations and the future of Canada are closely intertwined," the National Chief said. "We want to continue to have a productive relationship that delivers on the legal obligations that the federal government has with First Nations. This means engaging with all Ministers and members of the government that have an impact on First Nations, including Ministers for Health, Justice, Heritage, Finance and many others. Working together for a better quality of life for First Nations will benefit all of us. The provinces and territories are on side and we need the federal government to join us in this national undertaking. We congratulate all members of the new federal Cabinet and look forward to working with them and the Prime Minister on a better future for all Canadians."

     "I want to acknowledge the efforts of the previous Minister, Jim Prentice," National Chief Fontaine said. "Working together we were able to finalize the historic settlement for survivors of Indian Residential Schools, as well as setting out a process to establish a new approach to resolving specific land claims. We look forward to working with the new Minister and the government towards a successful conclusion on both of these important matters."

     The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations in Canada.


/For further information: Rene Pollett, Communications Specialist, (613) 241-6789, ext. 314, cell.: (613) 295-2149,