Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada (SEVEC) offer


My name is Kelli Fraser and I am the communications officer at a national charity called “The Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada”…otherwise known more simply as “SEVEC”!

For 70 years we’ve offered exchange programs for students within Canada to travel to another province or territory for one week to learn about another culture and language. All exchanges are for groups of students between the ages of 12-17 years old.

We currently have openings for groups of Aboriginal students accompanied by one adult to participate in our Aboriginal Exchange Program this school year.

The group can go on exchange anytime during the school year, but applications should be received on our Website by October 1st. If you know of any groups interested in this, please let them know. The adult taking care of the group can apply right online at It’s not necessary to know exact names of students at this point, we just need to know approximately how many students you think you will take on exchange and what you’d like to get out of the exchange.

Another important point: SEVEC, through government funding, pays for the students’ travel. We also have bursaries to help cover other costs.

You can apply just as a group or if you know another group in Canada with whom you’d like to do a 1-week exchange you can apply together.

For more info, visit or call me (Kelli) at 1-800.38.SEVEC at extension 205.

I am also sending you an e-mail ad (see below) that you can forward to any groups you know who might want to go on an exchange.

Thanks and best wishes,

Kelli Fraser
Communications Officer / Agente des communications
Celebrating 70 Years of Exchanges! Célébrons 70 ans d’échanges!
( 613.72.SEVEC (613.727.3832) X 205 / 1 800 38.SEVEC   7 613.727.3831
