National Indian Treaties 1-11 Gathering
July 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 2007
July 22 - Elders Ceremonies
July 23 - Elders Forum
Open Letter to Chiefs
We have been given another opportunity to gather up about our Treaties One to Eleven.
At each gathering we are able to reach a consensus on how we can and must take action to protect our Treaties for future generations. Each gathering gives us the understanding and commitment we need to take the action needed to have Canada honour the Treaty Obligations of the Crown.
At this gathering we will need to understand how the failure to honour our Treaties on the part of Canada means that our hand has been strengthened, not weakened. Canada’s failure to honour The Numbered Treaties only weakens their claim to our lands and resources as well as their claim for full and exclusive sovereignty on our Traditional Territories.
It is my hope that at this gathering we will find consensus on how we can collectively attack by legal and international action the territorial legitimacy of the State of Canada.
Lets us put our minds and hearts together to rekindle the True Spirit of Treaties One to Eleven.
For Treaty Justice,
Chief Ovide Mercredi
Misipawistik Cree Nation
National Spokesperson, Treaties One to Eleven