Ahki Pimadizewening Weecheewaywin Healing Centre

Ahki Pimadizewening Weecheewaywin Healing Centre is now accepting admission forms from NAN communities. The individuals we are targeting this intake must be 12 - 15 year olds, male or female. Ahki Pimadizewening Weecheewaywin Healing Centre provides holistic healing services to Nishnawbe Aski Nation youth who have become dependent on the abuse of solvents as a means to cope with life. The main focus of the Centre's services will be land-based, cultural appropriate healing activities. Youth who have behavioural and emotional problems will be assisted and counselled while in the program. Youth will receive contemporary clinical addictions treatment and counselling while being empowered with survival skills and traditional lifestyle perspectives through daily activities and teachings from traditional instructors and Elders. If you want more information contact our Intake / Aftercare Worker at (807) 347 - 2222.