COO offers Northern First Nations Training Session on Palliative Care

July 5, 2007

Chiefs of Ontario Community Support Services is pleased to announce a Northern First Nations Training session on Palliative Care

July 24 – 26, 2007 at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.

Objectives of the program:

1. To familiarize the learner with traditional healing approaches to spirituality and end of life care
2. To expand knowledge about the dying process, pain and symptom management, psychosocial issues, ethical decision making at end of life
3. To understand and learn practical approaches to grief and bereavement care
4. To enhance communication skills for working with dying persons and their families and care providers
5. To provide a forum for community support services personnel from various First Nations communities in Ontario to learn together and share ideas.

For further information, please contact:

Donna Loft at (613) 396-1140 OR
Carol Antone at 1-877-517-6527