PARO posts Women’s Economic Development Conference Planning Survey

PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise, Canadian Women’s Community Economic Development Council, the North of Superior Training Board, as well as the Community Economic and Social Development Program of Algoma University are working together to plan a Women's Economic Development Conference to be held in Thunder Bay on April 29 and 30, 2008. 

This project will positively contribute to building sustainable community economic development in Northern Ontario through providing information and resources while building on women’s experience.  

Your completion of this survey will help us meet these goals and will assist us in delivering a conference that will meet your needs.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Kind regards,

Pamela Caland
Project Coordinator - Northern Opportunities for Women
PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise / PARO Centre pour l'enterprise des femmes
110-105 North May Street
Thunder Bay, ON  P7C 3N9
807.625.0328 (voice)
807.625.0317 (fax)