SLAAMB launches new Centre for Aboriginal Apprenticeship Research (CAAR) program

On Wednesday of this past week, SLAAMB offically launched their new Centre for Aboriginal Apprenticeship Research (CAAR) initiative ( The initiative is receiving over three million dollars from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada over the next three years to support the development of this program.

CAAR is a three year pilot project utilizing new and innovative tools to promote Aboriginal Apprenticeships in Northern Ontario.

The Sioux Lookout Aboriginal Area Management Board (SLAAMB - ) is establishing a new Centre for Aboriginal Apprenticeship Research (CAAR) in Sioux Lookout. CAAR's objective is to plan, implement and document the apprenticeship development services and supports developed for the Centre for Aboriginal Apprenticeship Research project. Goals are:

  • Increase the number of Aboriginal people in various trades across Northern Ontario.
  • Utilizing various ICT applications to enhance the delivery of service .
  • Provide the support services needed for the participants
    Liase with First Nations, Ministry of Training, College and Universities and Employers
  • Document all findings

An overview of the steps for getting involved in this new initiative can be found at

Step 1: Interested in a trade - How to apply

If you are interested in learning a new trade and willing to apprentice, CAAR will be able to assist you. Please visit or call our office to make an appointment.

Step 2: Qualifying - See if you qualify

Various trades have various standards for entry. At your appointment, please bring all your transcripts from school and a resume to see if you qualify.

Step 3: Challenging the exam - Written exam

Once you meet or exceed the mininum requirements, then you then be asked to challenge the exam. Once participants pass the exam, they can proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Placement - Earning time

Upon sucessful passing of the exam, participants can now start earning time towards their "ticket". Depending on the field, from time to time, individuals may require addition testing and/or class study during the apprenticeship.