Awareness campaign to denounce the underfunding of First Nation education

Over the last few weeks the First Nations Education Council has been organizing an awareness-building and public relations campaign intended to denounce the underfunding of First Nations education. You can find all the details about our campaign at

To this end, a number of events have taken place over recent weeks and several others are in the pipeline.

We are currently developing an alliance project with all the First Nations organizations throughout the province of Quebec. We wish to extend our campaign throughout Canada’s Aboriginal organizations and Councils. To this effect, we will send you shortly an information package as well as the alliance project document.

Meanwhile, we invite you to visit our new Web site at , in the web site, you will find a section where you can forward support letters to different political parties as well as to the FNEC.  Please note that the content of the site will be updated on a regular basis.

Should you need any further information on our awareness-building campaign, please do not hesitate to contact me at the FNEC.

Thank you for you support.

Thanissa Lainé
Conseil en Éducation des Premières Nations
First Nations Education Council
95, rue de l'Ours
Wendake (QC)   G0A 4V0
Tel.: 418-842-7672
Fax.: 418-842-9988