AFN co-hosts conference on the Residential Schools Truth Commission

AFN Media Advisory ...

Conference on the Canadian Truth Commission on Indian Residential Schools
OTTAWA, June 14 - Beginning tomorrow, Friday, to Monday, June 17, the University of Calgary and the Assembly of First Nations will co-host a unique and very important conference to address the historic Truth and Reconciliation Commission which begins its work this fall.

The Truth Commission is one part of the comprehensive settlement reached between the AFN, the residential school survivors, the churches and the government of Canada to settle thousands of claims brought in the courts for sexual and physical abuse as well as for loss of language and culture which occurred over several generations of students.

News conference to be held at 10: 45 a.m. (Mountain Time) tomorrow, Fri., Jun.15/07

MacEwan Hall Ballroom (2nd floor MacEwan Hall), University of Calgary

Present will be Conference Co-chairs:
National Chief Phil Fontaine, Assembly of First Nations
Kathleen Mahoney, Professor, Faculty of Law
Bob Watts, Interim Executive Director, Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Available for comment/interviews:
Lisa Magarrell, International Centre for Transitional Justice
Rev. Bongani Finca, formerly of South African Truth Commission

Other Key Note speakers include: Minister Jim Prentice, Piers Pigou (South Africa), Dr. Sophia Macher (Peru), Mary Raftery (Ireland), Michael Enright (CBC), and others.

For further information: Nancy Pine, Communications Advisor - Office of the National Chief, (613) 241-6789 ext 243, (613) 298-6382,;. Kim Reinhart, University of Calgary, Bus: (403) 239-8982, Cell: (403) 861-2065,;. Bryan Hendry, A/Director of Communications, (613) 241-6789 ext. 229, cell (613) 293-6106,


From the conference web site at

On June 14 - 17, 2007, the U of C Faculty of Law and the AFN will host a national, interdisciplinary conference on this historic Truth Commission which begins its work later this year.  The conference is designed to engage and inform survivors, and the general non-Aboriginal public about the Commission’s mandate, and how they can participate. Conference delegates will discuss such topics as:

  • The nature, challenges and opportunities of a truth commission;
  • Lessons learned from truth commissions in other countries;
  • Intergenerational and gender issues;
  • The impact of media on the process;
  • Involvement of Elders and Youth
  • Research requirements and involvement of experts;
  • Commemoration ideas and projects;
  • National and community events;
  • Preserving the historical record

The conference will simultaneously seek extensive input and recommendations on the various elements of the Commission and its future work, including strategies that will ensure maximum participation in the Truth Commission.

Additional links to Residential School information:

  1. The Assembly of First Nations Residential Schools Unit -
  2. Indian Residential Schools Class Action Settlement – Official Court Website –
  3. National Residential School Survivors’ Society –
  4. The Native Center at the University of Calgary -
  5. Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada -
  6. Federal Representative – Indian Residential Schools –
  7. Bibliography of Residential Schools Court Cases –
  8. Xwi7xwa Library – First Nations Residential Schools comprehensive internet links listing –