Birth of tele-babies in two First Nations highlights importance of telehealth

On May 19, two babies were successfully delivered after local health care professionals who found themselves working with the mothers and a doctor on call located in Sioux Lookout. The Community Telehealth Coordinators in Lac Seul and Mishkeegogamang worked with the local health team to successfully connect with the doctor and support the mother and staff throughout the birthing process. In Kejick Bay, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine student was called upon to provide support to the mother during the birth. Everyone involved are happy that all went well and the babies and mothers are reported to be well.

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone involved but especially the mothers and babies!!



On, Saturday May 19, 2007 at about 9:00 a.m. the nurse on call called me in to hook up the telemedicine workstation with the Sioux Lookout emerge.  I was still in bed sleeping when the call came in, we got back at 3:00 am from Dryden, that was a long ride.  It was snowing and raining.  The roads were very slushy and we had to slow down to 40 to 50 km/h. We almost went off the road.

I was surprised to hear that it was for a prenatal in labor, I wasn’t expecting to hear that kind of news that early in the morning (still half asleep).  I told the nurse to send the medical driver up for me, still in my p.j.’s and no morning coffee. 

There were two nurses on call, they tried communicating to the doctor over the phone but had difficulty in describing what was happening. As soon as the doctor came on over the video, it was easier for her to know and show the nurses what to do. It was amazing to see the doctor and nurses working together in delivering the baby.

It was a very exciting and emotional experience witnessing life exiting the womb and entering the world ... 4th time again but the first via -Telemedicine.  I don’t know where I got the energy from, to coach and help mom.  The newborn boy arrived at 11:18 am. After the delivery I thanked God for being there, watching over mom and baby and guiding us through this situation.

I was happy and relieved to hear that both mom and baby were fine and healthy, they returned home the next day. The experience was great for me.  Wow, amazing how technology has come a long way.

Darlene Panacheese
Telemedicine Coordinator

Here is the Nurse’s point of view.

Highlight for me, I did my first delivery on May 19, 2007. What a rush that is. 

Here are the pictures of the final result!! A gorgeous baby boy born at 11:18, what an amazing experience from a whole different place when you are not the one giving birth. Amazing absolutely amazing!!

Neither Nicole or I have ever delivered anyone and Nicole is presently pregnant so it was gonna be me to do the delivery!  Well thank the good Lord above, everything was good and no complications.  As a result it was a very positive uplifting experience.

Here are the pictures of the beautiful baby boy, Nicole's and my first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
