AFN National Chief invites all Canadians to join National Day of Action efforts

Click here to watch AFN National Chief Phil Fontaine inviting Canadians to join First Nations on June 29 - the National Day of Action

From 24 Hours News Services ...

Fontaine's plea
Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine is reaching out to non-aboriginal Canadians through a new YouTube message that strikes a conciliatory tone.

Fontaine delivered a much harsher message to a blue chip crowd at a Canadian Club of Ottawa lunch earlier this week, warning that native communities have reached a breaking point. The national chief, who is the most prominent spokesman for native issues, took a different tact in his Internet statement posted Wednesday on the popular video-sharing site.

"One June 29, First Nations will be holding a national day of action across the country. We hope all Canadians will join us in this call for action to improve the lives of First Nations people," said Fontaine, who was in New York yesterday at a United Nations forum on indigenous issues. "First Nations want to work in partnership with government, the private sector and with all Canadians to give life to our plan and hope to our children ... Our future is Canada's future."