K.I. appeals for financial support in their legal battle against mining industry

An Open Letter to all the supporters of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug ...

I am Chief of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, the people of Big Trout Lake.

We are a First Nation community located in what is called Northwestern Ontario. We live in the boreal forest and are fighting in the Canadian legal system to strike down the antiquated, anti-environmental and disrespectful mining regime in Ontario.  We write to ask for your financial support in our struggle. 

The case is already of critical importance to environmental and aboriginal law and policy in Ontario and throughout Canada, and with your help, we can effect even more historic, significant and positive change. 

In February 2006, a junior mining exploration company unilaterally came onto our lands to begin a drilling exploration program, despite our moratorium on such activity. When we protested the drilling, the company pulled out and sued us for $10 billion and an injunction.  We believe this is the largest amount of money a First Nation has ever been sued for in Canada.  If we were to give every penny of our annual budget over to this company, it would take us until the year 3498 to pay it off.

I do know that we, the people of Big Trout Lake, have been entrusted by our ancestors to care for this land.  We stated in unison,  “No, Not on our land and not like this.” This action perpetuated by external forces is an unconstitutional violation of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, not only for K.I,. but for First Nations across Canada.  

We have already had some success in the Canadian courts, winning a temporary injunction against the company.  In it’s decision, the Court stated that “the relationship that Aboriginal peoples have with the land cannot be understated.  The land is the very essence of their being.  It is their very heart and soul.  No amount of money cannot compensate for its loss.  Aboriginal identity, spirituality, laws, traditions, culture, and rights are connected to and arise from this relationship to the land.” 

These judicial pronouncements have resonated far and wide, and set a new threshold in Canadian law.  But the fight is far from over.  To have the court strike down the mining act, to put a stop to free entry, and to prevent the destruction of the environment, we have to go to trial.  And that takes money, money that we don’t have.

Much is at stake - for all First Nations and all Canadians - in this already historic case.  I ask that you do what you can to assist us with funding. Our ability to advance the case depends in large part on our ability to raise funds through the generosity of people like yourselves.

Financial contributions can be made at the following:
                        Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
                        Kanawayandan D’aaki Legal Fund
                        Account Number 22-07117
                        Transit Number  00387
                        CIBC, Sioux Lookout, Ontario

Please contact me directly if you would like to discuss any details of the legal action or anything about our community.  Thank you in advance for your financial assistance in this important and historic fight.

Chief Donny I Morris