Eagle's Earth - Constance Lake FN showcases Cree and Ojibway heritage

Constance Lake First Nation developed the Eagle's Earth Cree and Ojibway Historical Centre (http://eaglesearth.com) to share the rich heritage of the people of this land and region with tourists and other First Nations people. The site is now preparing to open to the public for the first time this coming June. Tours of the site are made available by contacting Elizabeth Moore through the band office or at 705-463-2288.

To understand the beauty and experience the vision of the people, everyone needs to plan to stop and spend as much time as possible at this site. The Feather Building is a museum containing stories, exhibitions, crafts, store, restaurant, etc. Various types of accommodations make this unique site accessible to one and all.

Everyone needs to visit this special gift that is being hosted by the people of Constance Lake First Nation for all the people. Check out the brochure and visit their web site to learn more about this beautiful site located along the shore of the Shekak River. It is an experience that our children and future generations will find pride in the rich heritage of the Nishnawbe Aski!