"Chiefs and Champions" online social network for Aboriginal athletes and coaches


ASRA Encourages a Visit to the Chiefs and Champions Website

April 20, 2007

Saanich Territory (Victoria, BC) – The Aboriginal Sports and Recreation Association of BC (ASRA) is encouraging our stakeholders to visit Canada’s first free on-line sport community and social network for Aboriginal athletes and coaches.

The internet is providing many opportunities and it now includes a place for the stakeholders in Aboriginal sport and recreation a place to share ideas, stories and words of encouragement. The website, www.chiefsandchampions.ca accompanies a break-out television show which premiered on February 15, 2007 on the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) and already has the profiles of many of Canada’s most prolific athletes and coaches.

“This is a tremendous idea that will definitely assist sport and recreation administrators in connecting with their stakeholders,” said Adam Olsen, ASRA Communications Coordinator. “It is vital that information is shared freely and this is another place for this interaction to occur. Hopefully this website will succeed in attracting athletes and coaches of all levels to introduce themselves and their ideas in an effort to further promote excellence in Aboriginal sport and recreation.”

Visit the Chiefs and Champions website today and create your on-line profile. Take the opportunity to share your story and get involved in the discussion!

“It is ASRA’s hope that all the members of our network join this on-line community. We are encouraging our stakeholders to connect with each other and other sport and recreation people from across the country,” said Olsen. “Let’s get as many people from BC profiled on this site as possible, who knows who you will connect with!”

Connect with the information today! Visit www.chiefsandchampions.ca, create your profile, and link yourself with possible scholarships, bursaries, youth publications and directories. For more information please contact ASRA by e-mail at asra@asra.ca. or by phone at 250-544-8172.


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