Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development Call for Papers

The only journal of its kind in Canada, the Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development provides a view of economic development from a uniquely Aboriginal perspective. Published jointly by CANDO and Captus Press, the Journal is peer reviewed by a distinguished academic editorial board to ensure high quality Aboriginal content. The Journal covers the following areas:

  • Best Practices: Learning from Experience
    • Lessons from Research
    • Book Reviews
    • Commentary

Call for Papers: Issues 6.1 and 6.2

Published jointly by the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers (CANDO) and Captus Press, the Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development (JAED) features academic articles, examples from economic practitioners, and book reviews. Published twice yearly, the Journal is a unique resource for anyone interested in Aboriginal community economic development.

This call is for the next two issues (6.1 and 6.2). Issue 6.1 of JAED will be published in September 2007 in preparation for the CANDO14th Annual National Conference & AGM (Kamloops, British Columbia). Issue 6.2 will be published early in 2008.

Papers should relate to one of the following areas:

  • Aboriginal Community Economic and Enterprise Development
  • Aboriginal Small Business and Entrepreneurship
  • The Analysis of the Aboriginal Economy
  • Evaluating Aboriginal Economic Activity
  • Aboriginal Corporate Responsibility, Social Auditing, and the Triple Bottom Line
  • Economic Partnerships
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Economic Development
  • Aboriginal Organizations and Management
  • International Aboriginal Trade and the Global Economy
  • Aboriginal Community Development: The Role of Women and Youth
  • Change: Traditional and Modern Aboriginal Economies

We invite papers and case studies from academics and practitioners that address these issues. Academic papers will be subject to the usual double-blind peer-review process.

Please note that we are not just looking for academic papers; we are also looking for interviews, case studies, and other practitioner views and perspectives. Submissions from practitioners will be reviewed by the co-editors.

We believe such submissions will be particularly valuable, and it is our objective to publish as many as possible, if not in this issue then in subsequent issues of the JAED and/or in CANDO N-Side News. We want to know what people are doing, what is working, what is not working, and why.

Academic and Practitioner papers (double spaced, 12 point font, and 1 inch margins) should not exceed 25 pages in length, including appendices. Length can vary – 1 to 25 pages. The preferred format style is APA.

The deadline for receipt of submissions for Issue 6.1 is May 1, 2007.

Submissions may be forwarded to:
Warren Weir - Editor
c/o Svitlana Konoval
Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers
9635 - 45th Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6E 5Z8
Phone: 1-800-463-9300
Fax: (780) 429-7487

Submissions by e-mail are welcomed, in fact preferred. Send the paper as an attachment to the e-mail address above. If your paper does not make the cut for this issue, or needs extra work, it will be considered for publication in Issue 6.2. The deadline for receipt of submissions for Issue 6.2 is November 1, 2007. Should you require further information please contact Svitlana Konoval, CANDO Executive & Administrative Services Coordinator at 1-800-463-9300 or

Download The Call for Papers (32kb PDF) at