"Cleansing Mother Earth In Unity" commitment by Ontario First Nation Youth

Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council
1st Annual
"Cleansing Mother Earth In Unity"
Earth Day, April 22nd, 2007

Encouraged from the 4th Annual Youth Symposium on Culture, Tradition, and Language

Community youth councils/groups in unity across Turtle Island are making a commitment to begin an annual Spring Cleansing of our communities and surrounding environment.

Contact your local youth council/group and receive support from your local Politicians, Chief and Councils.

Things to Bring: First Aids, Garbage Bags, Gloves, Hats, Rubber Boots, Safety Cones and Vests, Snacks, Sticks (Trash Pickers), Sun block, Water, Weather Permitted Equipment and Gear and a loving heart. 

For more information, please contact OFNYPC member

Arnold Norman Yellowman by email
arnoldyellowman@netscape.net Or
Laura Calm Wind, COO Youth Coordinator
at 1-807-626-9339 or by email at laura@coo.org

Together in Unity We will Acknowledge and Preserve  our Mother Earths’ Blessing
