Reviving Self Governance in Sandy Lake to Strengthen the Community's Future

Sandy Lake First Nation is undertaking a review of their governance structure to find out if Sandy lake First Nation Band Members want more involvement in directing the actions of the Chief and Council.

Visit their new web site at for more information about this exciting undertaking.

The purpose of the Sandy Lake Governance project is to create a system of governance that receives a mandate from, and is accountable to the membership, using traditional and contemporary ideas.

The important part of creating a governance system is to ask the community people what a governance system should look like and what it should include.

So the governance project is holding small group sessions (focus groups) to find out how Sandy Lake membership want the leadership to act.

During the consultation process, community members are asked to consider the following questions:

  1. What community values and principles should steer the way leadership operates in Sandy Lake?
  2. In the past, what worked well in how the leadership governed the people in Sandy Lake?
  3. What works well now in the way that the Chief and Council govern the community?
  4. What changes would you like to see made in order to ensure a leadership system that is:
    1. open
    2. accountable
    3. effective for a long time?
  5. In governing ourselves, how can we include community Youth? Women? Elders?
  6. How can leadership be:
    1. fair ( being just and equitable)
    2. supportive but not dominating
    3. traditional and yet innovative?
  7. How should the Chief and Council be:
    1. directed by the community
    2. responsible to the community?

For more information or to provide feeback on the Governance Project, you can reach the Project Coordinator Ennis Fiddler by:

Ennis Fiddler
Box 375
Sandy Lake, Ontario
P0V 1V0
Phone: (807) 774-1098