Ontario government invests in urban Aboriginal health promotion programs

Ontario government press release ...

McGuinty Government Invests Over $1.6 Million For Aboriginal Health - Multi-Year Commitment Addresses Disease Prevention And Health Promotion

TORONTO – The McGuinty government is providing $1,685,737 over two years for thirteen initiatives that address the disease prevention and health promotion needs of Ontario’s Aboriginal communities, Health Promotion Minister Jim Watson announced today.

The funding will go to Aboriginal organizations and agencies to implement culturally appropriate initiatives that will best address particular challenges facing the Aboriginal population.

“The McGuinty government appreciates that Aboriginal communities experience particular challenges with respect to healthy and active living and tobacco misuse, which is why we are pleased to invest in these 13 necessary programs,” said Watson. “We asked organizations and agencies that service these communities to tell us how best to address these challenges in their communities and these initiatives are as a result of this healthy partnership."

"This funding is very important to Aboriginal communities across Ontario," said David Martin, President of the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres. “These programs will help us to address incidents of chronic disease, such as diabetes and cancer which are many times higher that the provincial average. Most important, we will empower our youth to lead efforts to reduce commercial tobacco use in our communities. We very much appreciate this opportunity to work with the Ontario government toward improving the quality of life for Aboriginal people."

The thirteen programs that have received funding are:

  • The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Kanonkwa’Tesheio:oi Health Centre in Cornwall ($96,146)
  • The Anishnawbe Mushkiki Aboriginal Health Access Centre in Thunder Bay. ($166,250)
  • The De dwa da dehs ney's Aboriginal Health Access Centre in Hamilton. ($209,870)
  • The Ganaan De We O Dis ^Yethi Yenahwahse Aboriginal Health Access Centre in London. ($6,042)
  • The Gizhewaadiziwin Access Centre in Fort Frances. ($131,600)
  • Nishnawbe Aski Nation in Thunder Bay. ($35,800)
  • The N'Mninoeyaa Aboriginal Health Access Centre (North Shore Tribal Council) in Cutler. ($175,000)
  • The Noojmowin Teg Aboriginal Health Access Centre in Little Current. ($131,250)
  • The Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres. ($346,630)
  • The Ontario Native Women's Association in Thunder Bay. ($84,435)
  • The Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health in Ottawa. ($146,828)
  • The Wassay-Gezhig Na-Nahn-Dah-We-Igamig Aboriginal Health Access Centre in Keewatin. ($128,888)
  • The Union of Ontario Indians in North Bay. ($25,000)

The McGuinty government also recently introduced the province’s first Aboriginal-specific mass media campaign to raise awareness of the harmful effects of commercial tobacco.

Smoking kills an average of 16,000 people in Ontario each year. Tobacco-related diseases cost the Ontario health care system at least $1.7 billion a year, result in more than $2.6 billion in productivity losses, and account for at least 500,000 hospital days each year.

Ontario’s tobacco consumption has fallen by 18.7 per cent or more than 2.6 billion cigarettes since 2003. During that time, the government has increased its investments in tobacco control six-fold to a total of $60 million, including a $10 million increase in 2006 over the previous year.


BACKGROUNDER March 30, 2007

Improving The Quality Of Life For Aboriginal People

As part of Ontario’s Action Plan on Healthy Eating and Active Living and the Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy, the McGuinty Government is committed to the prevention of chronic disease and the promotion of healthy eating and active living.

The Ministry of Health promotion is funding Aboriginal organizations and agencies in 2006/07 and 2007/08 to carry out projects supporting Aboriginal-specific prevention, education and cessation activities, as well as tobacco control resources in Aboriginal communities and culturally appropriate healthy eating and active living projects.

Funding recipients include:

The Akwesasne, Mohawks of Kanonkwa’Tesheio:oi Health Centre in Cornwall is working with local school boards to provide smoking cessation education to high school students and the Boys and Girls club as an extra-curricular activity. ($96,146)

The De dwa da dehs ney>s Aboriginal Health Access Centre in Hamilton working in partnership with YMCAs will educate Aboriginal youth to live and promote tobacco-wise lifestyles. ($209,870)

The Gizhewaadiziwin Access Centre in Fort Frances developed a smoking cessation video to discourage Aboriginal youth from smoking and to help those who are smoking quit. As well support groups for Aboriginals and their families to lead healthy eating and active living initiatives including community kitchens, baby food making workshops, and sport and recreation activities were established. ($131,600)

NAN - Nishnawbe Aski Nation in Thunder Bay developed a conference and traditional land-based learning camp for Aboriginal youth that encourages cessation of commercial tobacco use and promote active living. ($35,800)

The Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres is providing a train-the-trainer program to staff at its 28 friendship centres across Ontario. The training will promote physical activity, healthy eating and smoke-free living to women and youth. ($346,630)

The Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health in Ottawa developed a project entitled “Walking the Healthy Journey Throughout the Life Cycle”. The project will focus on prevention and cessation of commercial tobacco use, healthy food choices that are available on a limited budget and increasing physical activities that reflect Aboriginal traditions. ($146,828)

The Union of Ontario Indians, headquartered in North Bay, received support to begin development of an “Anishinabek Nation Smoke-Free Strategy” to address the health and economic burden of commercial tobacco use in 43 member First Nations. ($25,000)

The Anishnawbe Mushkiki Aboriginal Health Access Centre in Thunder Bay was funded to work with the Thunder Bay Urban Aboriginal Strategy and the Lakehead School Board to develop active living and healthy eating initiatives in five schools and neighbourhoods. Monthly active living activities and children’s community kitchens will be held at each site. As well, the Centre will develop a 12 week life skills training session on the causes of tobacco abuse, smoking myths and realities, helping participants move towards quitting or harm reduction approaches ($166,250)

The Ganaan De We O Dis ^Yethi Yenahwahse Aboriginal Health Access Centre in London received funding to support healthy living training for 30 health care workers from London Urban Aboriginal agencies, as well as from the seven surrounding area reserves. ($6,042)

The Noojmowin Teg Aboriginal Health Access Centre in Little Current received support for community workers to participate in the “Community Nutrition Advisory Program” being facilitated by the Sudbury and District Health Unit. These newly trained community staff will then coordinate two Take Five programs within the seven local First Nations areas targeted towards First Nation parents and their children and focused on reducing health problems including obesity, diabetes, heart problems and other health issues. ($131,250)

The N'Mninoeyaa Aboriginal Health Access Centre (North Shore Tribal Council) in Cutler received support to develop the “Grow Healthy Families” project. This initiative fosters families taking responsibility for their health by providing them with tools, support and infrastructure to be successful and promoting healthy lifestyle choices. ($175,000)

The Ontario Native Women's Association in Thunder Bay will develop community health gatherings in Kenora and Sudbury. The gatherings will include speakers on diabetes awareness, physical activity, nutrition and overall healthy living. ($84,435)

The Wassay-Gezhig Na-Nahn-Dah-We-Igamig Aboriginal Health Access Centre in Keewatin received funding to hire a health promotion coordinator. The coordinator will carry out community-based activities designed to promote traditional healthy nutrition and active lifestyles that focus on issues including asthma, heart disease, diabetes, and other nutrition topics. ($128,888)


For further information:

Adam Grachnik
Minister’s Office

Julie Rosenberg
Ministry of Health Promotion