Wasaya Airwas pledges $50K to Health Sciences Centre's ‘Save A Heart' Campaign

Thunder Bay, Ontario – Friday, March 23, 2006    Wasaya Airways LP is proud to announce their pledge of $50,000, to be paid over 5 years, to the ‘Save a Heart – Phase II’ Campaign. Tom Morris, President & CEO of Wasaya Airways and Dean Cromarty, Chair of Wasaya Group Inc., will be presenting a cheque to Georgie Hari, President & CEO of the Foundation, and Board member Ken Bittle in the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre main lobby on Monday, March 26th at 2:00 p.m.

“Our pledge to this campaign fits within our mandate to provide benefits and services to our membership communities and other First Nation Communities throughout the province,” says Morris.

“We are pleased to make this pledge that will help meet the equipment needs of the Health Sciences Centre and the residents in Northwestern Ontario.”

The ‘Save a Heart’ Campaign was launched to support the purchase of new cardiac equipment for the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre’s Cardiac Catheterization Lab. Wasaya Airways has been welcomed as a member of the Chairs’ Council level of giving that will help ensure that quality cardiac healthcare is accessible to the community and region.

Morris said that Wasaya’s philosophy is to not only work with Aboriginal groups, but to also work with organizations like the Health Sciences Centre Foundation that service First Nation communities.

“Our company has been built on partnerships, and we would not be where we are today without unique partnership agreements and strategic business decisions made to benefit our First Nations.”

Wasaya’s investment demonstrates the company’s commitment to the Health Sciences Centre as well as the residents of northern communities.