Anishnaabemdaa Eta: Let's Only Speak the Language - Conference

From Language Conference web site

"Anishnaabemdaa Eta; Let's Only Speak the Language"

March 29, 30, 31, and April 1, 2007
at Kewadin Casinos Hotel and Convention Centre
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan

The Board of Directors, Elder Senate and Youth Representatives of Anishinaabemowin Teg Inc. would like to welcome everyone to our site, hosted by the Union of Ontario Indians at
  Last year the Conference was a great success with over 900 participants from across Canada and the United States.  This year's conference will again be held on March 29, 30, 31, and April 1, 2007 at Kewadin Casinos Hotel and Convention Centre in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. 

  This year's theme is "Anishnaabemdaa Eta; Let's Only Speak the Language". Our focus is to encourage every day use of the language at home, at school, and at work.  The language embodies our culture, our spirit, our identity as Anishinabek.  With this in mind, we look forward to ensuring you have a successful 4 days with us.   "Bi-wii-doo-kwish-naang"

  The Conference Poster is available via the website by clicking on the Conference Poster,at the bottom of this page, however, we will be forwarding the same by mail, later this month for maximum exposure to your community, educators, and students.  The package shall include a registration form, scholarship information, hotel listings, and vendors registration form.  Please keep an eye out for this package.

  Due to increasing costs to host this conference, we have been forced to increase conference registration fees.  Conference Registration Fees include admission to all workshops, all plenary sessions, opening and closing plenary sessions, sunrise ceremonies, 1 meal per day, and conference sponsored evening entertainment or traditional feast.