Race Relations Week 2007: Our community, Our Family in Sioux Lookout

SLARC (http://www.slarc.ca) press release ...

Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee hosts Race Relations Week 2007 (March 16 to 25) with many events planned

Sioux Lookout - March 3, 2007 - Race Relations Week 2007: Our community. Our Family. Our Future is filling up with exciting opportunities for celebrating the diversity of Sioux Lookout.

The invitation is out to nominate someone you know who has contributed to positive race relations in Sioux Lookout for the People Making Changes - Mary Carpenter Award. You can pick up a nomination form from the Sunset Suites, the Anti-Racism Committee office, or by calling Laurel Wood (737-2174). Click here to get a PDF copy of the nomination form.

The first event of the week is for youth – a dance at the Recreation Centre, Friday, March 16.

Saturday the 17th, Cedar Bay will be the centre of activities all day. A festival at the stables and lakeside will have activities for all members of the family – pond hockey, sleigh rides, games and refreshments. See the poster below or CLICK HERE for a PDF copy of the POSTER.

CLICK HERE for a copy of the POND HOCKEY Registration and Rules

Saturday evening, while the Northern Bands Hockey Tournament continues in the arena, there will be square dancing in the recreation centre gym. This event, sponsored by Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre, is open to all. See the poster below or CLICK HERE for a copy of the poster

Student art, reflecting the theme of Our community. Our Family. Our Future., will be on display all week at local schools, Nishnawbe Gamik Friendship Centre, Best Western and Johnny’s.

Everyday Light, a collection of family photos selected by contemporary First Nations Artists will open Sunday 18th at 56 Front Street and be on display all week. The Thunder Bay Art Gallery has generously loaned this art show to our community. Local residents are invited to submit work to a companion Art Display of family heirlooms and other art at St. Andrews United Church.

Watch for details of the week’s events – films by Cree filmmaker Shirley Cheechoo (see poster below or CLICK HERE for a copy of the POSTER)and local filmmaker, Nadia McLaren, workshops, presentations, drumming at the Nishnawbe Gamik Friendship Centre, lacrosse for youth at the Recreation Centre and the Out of the Cold fishing derby at Airport Lake will fill out the week. The ever-popular Multicultural Pot Luck Feast, with the presentation of the People Making Changes – Mary Carpenter Award, will wrap things up at the Legion Sunday, March 25th.

Outdoors enthusiasts, artists, film buffs, horsey folks, gourmets and hockey fans – children, youth, adults and elders – there’s something for everyone in Race Relations Week 2007. Come celebrate with your family and community.


