Why Health Care Renewal Matters: Lessons from Diabetes report released today

Health Council of Canada press release ...

Health Council of Canada Releases Inaugural Health Outcomes Report on March 5th in London, Ontario

TORONTO, March 4 - The Health Council of Canada will release a report on health outcomes on March 5 entitled Why Health Care Renewal Matters: Lessons from Diabetes. The report will be released in London, Ontario and the event will be webcast live at www.healthcouncilcanada.ca.

The report examines the way chronic health conditions - specifically diabetes - are diagnosed, managed and treated in this country and explores changes in lifestyle and care that can have profound, practical and positive effects on the health and quality of life of Canadians with chronic health conditions. One in three Canadian adults has a chronic health condition and one in 20 has diabetes.

Through a synthesis of data and research evidence from Canada and abroad, the report sheds light on why renewal matters in very human terms.

The report, the first in a series on health outcomes, will be released at the London InterCommunity Health Centre. Dr. Ian Bowmer, Vice Chair of the Health Council of Canada and Dr. Stanley Vollant, Councillor, Health Council of Canada will present the report. Michelle Hurtubise, Executive Director of the London InterCommunity Health Centre and one of the centre's clients will also be on hand to comment.

WHAT: Health Council of Canada releases inaugural health outcomes report, Why Healthcare Renewal Matters: Lessons from Diabetes

WHO: Dr. Ian Bowmer, Vice Chair, Health Council of Canada
Dr. Stanley Vollant, Councillor, Health Council of Canada
Michelle Hurtubise, Executive Director, London InterCommunity Health Centre

WHERE: London InterCommunity Health Centre
659 Dundas Street East
London ON

The report release will also be simultaneously webcast on the Council's site, www.healthcouncilcanada.ca. For media to participate, dial 1-800 732 0232 or 416 644 3420 at least 10 minutes prior to 10:00 a.m. ET.

WHEN: Monday, March 5, 2007 (all times EST)
10:00 am Speakers highlight key findings of report
10:45 am Floor opens for questions
11:00 am Opportunity for one-on-one media interviews

On the day of the release, copies of the report will be made available at the event and can also be downloaded at www.healthcouncilcanada.ca at 10 a.m.

The Health Council of Canada, created by the 2003 First Ministers' Accord on Health Care Renewal following the recommendations of the Romanow and Kirby reports, is mandated to monitor and report on the progress of health care renewal in Canada. The 26 Councillors were appointed by the participating provinces, territories, and the Government of Canada and have expertise and broad experience in community care, Aboriginal health, nursing, health education and administration, finance, medicine and pharmacy.

For further information: on the Health Council of Canada, contact: Paul Cantin, Media Relations, W: (416) 480-7085, C: (416) 526-1593, pcantin@healthcouncilcanada.ca;. Nazia Khan, Media Relations, W: (416) 360-6183 ext. 229, Nazia@tsa.ca