Ontario creating an Aboriginal Health Council to advise the minister of health

Ontario government press release ...

Notice of Proposed Regulation Under the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006 Aboriginal Health Council

February 26, 2007

Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs)

On March 28, 2006, the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006 (LHSIA) was presented to the Lieutenant Governor in Council and received Royal Assent. The Ministry is currently developing the regulations and operational policy needed to support the implementation process. Some sections of the Act are not currently in force and are expected to be proclaimed in the Fall 2006 and Spring 2007.

The draft regulation posted here relates to the Aboriginal Health Council that will advise the Minister about health and service delivery issues related to Aboriginal and First Nations peoples and priorities and strategies for the provincial strategic plan related to those peoples. The draft regulation lists the organizations from which Council members will be selected.

All proposed regulations under LHSIA will be published in The Ontario Gazette for 60 days and will be posted on the Ministry website for public review and the opportunity for feedback. Following the consultation period, the Minister reviews the comments received and reports any recommended changes to the Lieutenant Governor in Council (LGIC). The final regulation is presented to the Legislation and Regulations Committee and Cabinet and then presented to the LGIC to sign it into law. Once the final regulations are filed with the Registrar of Regulations and posted in The Ontario Gazette, they are enforceable.

Click here for a copy of the Notice of Proposed Regulation Under the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006 Aboriginal Health Council 4 pages | 26k | PDF format.