Unique Bi-National Business Forum to be hosted in Thunder Bay

Forum will unite Canadian First Nations and Native Americans for Business Summit: www.binationalforum.ca


Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF), in partnership with International Trade Canada, FedNor and the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, has announced the Bi-National Forum 2007, a Native American and First Nation Business Summit, which will take place in Thunder Bay, Ontario on March 27th and 28th 2007.  The Bi-National Forum 2007 will unite Northern Ontario First Nations and Midwest Native Americans with leading industry and government agencies to explore new potential for trade and cross-border business, economic and investment partnerships.

Says Conference Chair Michael Fox: “Significant economic gains have been made by Aboriginal communities in both Canada and the U.S in recent years, however opportunities to develop cross border synergies and networks have yet to be explored. The Bi-National Forum will be the first step towards building increased dialogue, cooperation and trade prosperity across our borders; the ultimate goal being Aboriginal business development and expansion.”

The Bi-National Forum will facilitate cross-border discussions between First Nations and Native American business leaders and Fortune 500 companies seeking ‘minority content’ in its supply chain and will highlight those organizations that can assist in the ‘minority supplier certification’ process. According to Northern trade statistics, there exists within a 500 mile radius of Northwestern Ontario and the Midwest U.S. states, 38% of all U.S. manufacturing volume and 27% of all Canadian manufacturing volume.

Says Fox: “That shows the real potential of the Bi-National Forum to influence the economies of both Canada and the U.S. We are gathering the top players from all areas of government and industrial sectors, with the intent of creating strategic alliances and new business linkages.”

Sponsorship packages are available for the Bi-National Forum as well as Trade Show exhibition opportunities.

Registration is now open with conference packages starting at $250.00CDN.
Register online at: www.binationalforum.ca or Tel: (807) 767-4443.


Media Contact:
Lisa Kokanie, Public Relations Officer
Firedog Communications
Tel:  807 767-4443
Fax:  807-767-4479
Email:  lisa@firedogpr.com