Declining numbers of Indigenous people with Status focus of upcoming conference

Ogemawahj Tribal Council press release ...

Decline of the Status Indian Motivates Ogemawahj Tribal Council to Host National First Nation Citizenship and Status Conference

Rama, ON, Feb. 21 - Enfranchisement and the intermarriage of Indian women with non-Indian men allowed Status Indians to acquire full Canadian citizenship by relinquishing their ties to the community, giving up the culture and traditions and giving up any rights they had as Indians. Indian women who married non-Indian men also lost their “Status” as Indians and the rights that accompanied that status.

The plan to assimilate Indians into society, however, has not worked, and the “temporary” nature of the Indian Act has led to many problems with the governance and lives of Indian people. It has also led to many constitutional challenges within Canada’s court system. This era of change and the need for a solution to the declining number of status Indians within their member First Nations have motivated the member communities of the Ogemawahj Tribal Council to coordinate and host a national information exchange on the topic.

The Ogemawahj Tribal Council invites you to participate in their First Nation Citizenship and Status Conference: “E-DBENDAAGZIJIG: Those Who Belong” on April 16th and 17th, 2007. This two day conference will examine the issues and cause for concern over First Nation citizenship, and in particular, the declining number of status Indians across the country. Why is it important, how will it affect you, and what are the options for the future? Join us to listen to the professionals and those who have already been seriously affected by this issue.

The event will take place at the Toronto Downtown Marriott Eaton Centre in the heart of Ontario’s Capital. Registration is limited to the first 400 paid participants. For additional information or to register for this event, please go to the website:

or contact the following:

Media Contact: Marc Manatch
Ogemawahj Tribal Council
P.O. Box 46,
7410 Benson Side Road
Mnjikaning First Nation, Ontario
L0K 1T0
Phone: (705) 329-2511
Fax: (705) 329-2509