Workshop addresses many perspectives of child behaviour and early intervention

The Centre of Excellence for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs is holding a two day workshop on Thursday and Friday, March 22nd & 23rd from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Valhalla Inn in Thunder Bay. Visit for full details.

“The focus of this workshop came from a community needs survey distributed throughout Northwestern Ontario, participants identified Behaviour and Early Intervention as areas where more information and training was needed,” says Jodi Kurzhals the workshop organizer.  “To meet this need, we have chosen to bring together 25 presenters providing 18 unique sessions.” 

The event will also feature some talented local youth. The Children’s Aid Society Black Light Theatre group will perform at noon on March 22nd and the Churchill High School Jazz Band on March 23rd at noon.

The workshop will feature two days of sessions highlighting a variety of topics.    Among the presentations on Behaviour are:  Teens who Hurt: An Examination of Violence and Interventions; On the Cutting Edge:  Working with People Who Self Injure; Tough Kids and Substance Abuse; Classroom Strategies for Disruptive Behaviours in Students;   Tapping Hidden Strengths - Planning For Students Who are Alcohol-Affected; The Family Help Program and Distance Treatment; and Enhancing Academic and Social Learning Opportunities for Developmentally At-Risk Children.

The sessions with a focus on Early Intervention include:  Resilient Thinking:  A Tool for Prevention and Intervention with Special Needs Children and Adolescents which is a 1 ½ day comprehensive session; Facilitating Communication and Participation for Children with Special Needs; The Importance of Early Intervention for Special Needs Infants and Toddlers; The Autism Spectrum Disorder School Support Program – Meeting the Needs of the North;  Towards Nutrition Screening in Ontario Preschoolers- Tool Development around best practices and implementation across the province; and Promising Practices for Service Delivery in Speech-Language Pathology Using Videoconferencing

The two day workshop will provide practical information for participants to take away and put to immediate use.

Full presenter information, session details and registration forms are available at or by phoning 807-343-8196.

The cost is $100 per day or $175 for both days.  Scholarships may be available for caregivers and students to attend. 

The workshop is organized by the Centre of Excellence for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs at Lakehead University.  Funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, the centre focuses on the distinct challenges faced by children and adolescents with special needs in northern Canada.

Contact:  Jodi Kurzhals, Site Coordinator, 807-343-8196