An invite to share your bannock stories with the community of Watson Lake, Yukon

A special request from Peter Morin, please share your e-mail response to Peter at (see poster below)


I am writing to you from a small town in the Yukon called Watson Lake (click here to visit their community web site).  We are a population of about 700 to 900 people, (even though the website says 1500).We are located in the traditional territory of the Kaska Dena people.We have one grocery  store, one bank, one post office, one liquor store, one insurance agent, one employment centre, one band office (in town), one tribal council office (in town), two variety stores, two bars, three hotels, and some other stuff and one library/drop-in, which is used by almost everyone in the community.  Especially  our youth. We are looking for submissions for an in-library produced anthology of stories, art, music, poems, on the theme of bannock  - and how you may or maybe not have interacted with bannock in your life (**believe it or not, but there are some of us who have not had the pleasure of eating fresh bannock!). 

We started this Bannock project with the youth in mind.  There are many youth, here in watson lake, that go to the library after school and weekends and are usually there till closing.  We believe in the youth and their strength and we want to support them in as many ways as we can.  For us, this looks like providing our youth with afterschool projects, activities, and snacks.  All proceeds from the sale of our Bannock Anthology project will go to support afterschool library programs for the youth of Watson Lake.thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you,

Sincerely Peter Morin

PS. You may be asking yourself what is a Bannock Story? A bannock story is a story that involved yourself and bannock. for example:

  • when did you make bannock for the first time?
  • Any bannock oopses? 
  • When did you eat bannock for the first time?
  • Who made bannock for you as a child?  
  • Are you a fryer or a baker? 
  • Were your bannocks ever used as hockey pucks?...?...?...
