Go smoke-free for March 2007 and be a winner!

Register at http://www.driventoquit.ca by February 28, 2007

Grand prize - 2007 Acura CSX


Regional prizes - 1 of 7 Sony 32” Widescreen LCD HDTVs

Step 1: Find a buddy

  • Find a non-smoking buddy who will support you as you go smoke-free.
  • Buddies can win too! To be eligible for a $250 Sears gift certificate, buddies must be 19 years of age or older and a non-smoker.
  • Go to Helping Someone Quit for tips on how buddies can help.

Step 2: Register

Step 3: Quit smoking

  • Quit smoking by March 1, 2007 and remain smoke-free until March 30, 2007.
  • Call the Canadian Cancer Society Smokers' Helpline to increase your chances of quitting at 1 877 513-5333 (optional).
  • Names will be randomly drawn on March 30, 2007.
  • If selected, both you and your buddy will be contacted and asked to answer a skill-testing question.
  • Buddies will be asked to confirm that you have remained smoke-free for the month of March 2007.
  • To verify smoke-free status, the potential winner will be asked to take a urine test.
  • Smoke-free means no use of tobacco products of any kind. You are allowed, however, to use nicotine replacement therapies (e.g. medications, gum or inhaler) and/or a doctor's prescription to help you quit.
  • Winners will be announced publicly in April 30 2007.

Key Dates:

January 22 - Registration begins

February 28 - Deadline to register

March 1 - Quit month begins

March 30 - Final day of quit period

March 30 - Winner drawn

April 30 - bWinner announced on http://driventoquit.ca