Remote communities across Northwest Territories get connected through satellite

Falcon Communications press release ...

Launch Of New Service Brings Greater Access To Broadband Across The Northwest Territories

Yellowknife, NWT (06 February 2007)– A new and innovative Broadband service for communities of the Northwest Territories has officially been launched.

Thirty previously un-served communities are now able to access Broadband thanks to a collaborative initiative between the Government of Canada, SSI Micro Ltd. and the Broadband Business Alliance Limited Partnership, consisting of Denendeh Investments Incorporated, Tetlit Gwich’in Council, Deline Land Corporation, Deh Cho Economic Corporation, Dogrib Nation Trustco and Akaitcho Regional Investment Corporation.

Through satellite based connectivity provided by SSI Micro Ltd., users will enjoy easily installed Broadband connectivity through state-of-the-art art wireless technology offering roaming services throughout most areas of the Northwest Territories. SSI Micro, an award winning communications solution provider, designed and implemented the network. SSI Micro will also be responsible for the long term maintenance and operation of the service.

This service will provide significant opportunities for the un-served Aboriginal and remote rural communities of the Northwest Territories to access education, healthcare, and a competitive business environment, all of which will provide enhancements to the quality of life. It will serve towards ensuring the sustainability of these communities and assist in providing families and youth with an economic and social future.

“As the General Partner of the Broadband Business Alliance Limited Partnership, Falcon Communications is working with our service provider SSI Micro to deliver this secure technology, providing for a consistent solution allowing for affordable, open access to communities across the North,” said Darrell Beaulieu of Falcon Communications.

The Government of Canada has contributed more than $5 million for the network through the Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot Program. In addition to the Government funding, SSI Micro has invested more than $5 million toward the design and implementation of the services.

“Through the Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot Program, Canada’s new government continues to help Canadians in rural, remote and Aboriginal communities benefit from all the economic, business and social opportunities that broadband access can bring,” said the Honourable Maxime Bernier, Minister of Industry.

The Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot Program was created to help provide high speed Internet access to rural, remote, northern and First Nations communities. It has been successful in engaging partners across the country through a community driven approach and will be providing service to approximately 900 communities.

The Government of Canada has also contributed support of this network through the National Satellite Initiative (NSI).Up to $7 million came from the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund, to help defray the costs of satellite delivered connections. The goal of the NSI is to provide affordable satellite capacity for broadband services in communities in the far to mid-North, and in isolated and remote areas of Canada, where satellite technology is the only practical solution.


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More information about the Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot Program can be accessed at