MPs learn about youth suicide crisis & Save the Children work in Northern Ontario

Press release ...

Angus Calls For Action On Suicide Crisis In Kashechewan

Charlie Angus says a spate of suicide attempts in Kashechewan is a shocking indictment of the failure of Canada’s commitments to the community. Over the past month, 21 young people have attempted suicide, the youngest being nine-years-old. Angus says he is shaken by this wave of hopelessness in the crisis-ridden community.

Today in the House, he challenged Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice to make a clear commitment to the community. “What future is there for the young people in Kashechewan? The grade school is shut down. There is no community centre for young people. This is not a regional shame. It is not a national shame. Kashechewan has become an international symbol of utter hopelessness.”

Over the last two years, the community has been evacuated three times. The community is in the final stages of an internal process to choose a location for a new community. Angus challenged Prentice to live up to commitments made to the community.

“The government of Canada signed an agreement with the people of Kashechewan to build a new community. This minister needs to make a clear and public commitment to give hope to the people of Kashechewan.”

In November 2005, Kashechewan gathered international attention over an e-coli crisis in the water supply. Out of the Kashechewan water crisis, the government was forced to set national standards for on reserve water supplies.

"Once again, Kashechewan is calling out for all first nations. What about the crime of hopelessness? What about the complete disregard for the young? These children don’t even have a bloody school to go to."

Angus says the government needs to take the lead in addressing the failure of First Nation education funding. He calls on the government to insist that reserve schools are given the same resources for special education, schooling and youth at risk programs.

Audio Files:

1. During Question Period, Charlie Angus says many young kids have tried to kill themselves recently.
2. During Question Period, Charlie Angus says the situation is getting so deplorable that international save the children are now looking at Canada.