Aboriginal Community Capital Grants Program fund community & business centres

Ontario government press release ...

Ontario Invests In Aboriginal Community Development - Feasibility Studies Pave Way For Community And Small Business Centres In Aboriginal Communities

TORONTO – The McGuinty government is helping 14 Aboriginal communities prepare for the future by investing in feasibility studies for community and small business centres, Minister Responsible for Aboriginal Affairs David Ramsay announced today. The investments highlight the government’s commitment to strengthening Aboriginal communities.

“So far this fiscal year, more than $570,000 has been made available through the Aboriginal Community Capital Grants Program to help 14 First Nations and Aboriginal organizations determine the viability of running or expanding community or small business centres,” said Ramsay. “These studies are the first step towards improving service delivery and creating economic development opportunities within Aboriginal communities, many of which are remote First Nations in northern Ontario.”

Community centres facilitate the provision of essential services and activities for community members. Small business centres support entrepreneurial activities and early-stage growth of small businesses by providing rental space, shared services and business counselling assistance.

In addition to funding feasibility studies, the program provides grants for the construction, expansion or renovation of these facilities. Improvements to the ACCGP during this fiscal year have increased the government’s possible contribution for total eligible project costs from 75 to 90 per cent.

“This government made a commitment through the New Approach to Aboriginal Affairs to create strong and prosperous Aboriginal communities,” said Ramsay. “These feasibility studies are intended to help fulfil that commitment.”

Further information on the program may be obtained by contacting Tim Sim, at 416-314-7217 or by visiting the Ontario Secretariat for Aboriginal Affairs website at http://www.aboriginalaffairs.osaa.gov.on.ca/english/economy/grants.htm


Aboriginal Community Capital Grants Program

This program invests in the development of facilities that provide Aboriginal community services and encourage business activity.These facilities foster healthy lifestyles and skills development, especially among Aboriginal children and youth.

Eligible Applicants

First Nations, Aboriginal non-profit incorporated groups and Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Charter Communities sponsored by that Secretariat.

Eligible Projects

Projects involving construction, acquisition, renovation and expansion of community, friendship and small business centres, and feasibility studies leading to the development of each, are all eligible.

An eligible applicant community can obtain one-time infrastructure funds for each of:

  • Community / friendship centre
  • Small business centre

to a maximum of $500,000 (not to exceed 90 per cent of the total eligible project costs).

For remote, fly-in communities, a maximum of $750,000 will be considered on a case-by-case basis (within the 90 per cent maximum cap).

An eligible applicant community can obtain funding for a feasibility study for each type of infrastructure project to a maximum of $50,000 per project (not to exceed 90 per cent of the total eligible project costs).

The program is comprised of two program components.

The Ontario Native Community Infrastructure Projects component helps develop community and friendship centres that contribute to a healthy social base in Aboriginal communities. These facilities provide essential community services and activities.

The Native Small Business Centres component helps develop small business centres that support entrepreneurial activities and provide opportunities for business development in Aboriginal communities. These facilities support early stage growth of small businesses by providing rental space, shared services and business counselling assistance.


What We’ve Done
Aboriginal Community Capital Grants Program projects approved since October 2003:

  • BEARSKIN LAKE FIRST NATION received grant approval for $450,810 in September 2004 for a community centre.
  • BIINJITIWAABIK ZAAGING ANISHINAABEK (ROCKY BAY) received grant approval for $33,000 in September 2004 for a small business centre feasibility study.
  • FORT ALBANY FIRST NATION received grant approval of $33,750 in December 2003 for a small business centre feasibility study.
  • KINGFISHER LAKE FIRST NATION received grant approval of $320,663 in September 2004 for a community centre.
  • LAC SEUL FIRST NATION received grant approval of $3,750 in December 2003 for a small business centre feasibility study.
  • LONG LAKE #58 FIRST NATION received grant approval of $26,625 in July 2004 for a community centre feasibility study.
  • MISSANABIE CREE FIRST NATION received grant approval of $207,900 in August 2004 for a small business centre.
  • MOHAWK COUNCIL OF AKWESASNE received grant approval of $300,000 in August 2004 for a community centre.
  • NORTH SPIRIT LAKE FIRST NATION received grant approval of $23,250 in September 2004 for a small business centre feasibility study.


For more information contact:
Tim Sim, Aboriginal Program Advisor
Ontario Secretariat for Aboriginal Affairs
Email: tim.sim@osaa.gov.on.ca
Phone: 416-314-7217