Pelican Falls Residential School Gathering - May 26-29, 2002

EVERYONE is invited to attend the Third Gathering for Survivors and their families, at the site of the former Pelican Lake Indian Residential School, Sioux Lookout, Ontario, May 26 - 29, 2002. The Sunset Women's Aboriginal Circle, in partnership with Northern Nishnawbe Education Council, are hosting the gathering. The poster and registration form can be obtained at the conference web site. Please copy and distribute the poster around your community so everyone has an opportunity to attend this important gathering for residential school survivors and their families. We want to use this opportunity to gather stories of survival and resiliency of the people and form a Pelican Falls Alumuni group to make sure our efforts and experiences are properly recorded. For information contact: Lorraine Kenny, Conference Coordinator Tel. 807-737-7922 Fax 807-737-7031 email: Meals will be provided