INAC's Economic Development program funds projects across Northern Ontario

INAC press release

Federal Government Announces $2.46 million in First Nations Economic Development Investments in Northern Ontario


DRYDEN, ONTARIO (January, 18, 2007) – Mr. Rod Bruinooge, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, is pleased to announce approximately $2.46 million in investments towards economic activities that will advance development opportunities for First Nations peoples in Northern Ontario.

Speaking in Dryden, Mr. Bruinooge said, "We are working with native leaders and communities to improve opportunities and provide real results for Aboriginal people. Maximizing First Nations participation in economic opportunities is important to ensure a prosperous economic future for all Canadians. Robust economic opportunities are essential to the development of sustainable, healthy communities, and Canada's New Government is pleased to be doing its part to make this happen."

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) has committed to support the following projects in 2006-2007:

  • $745,000 to the Attawapiskat/Fort Albany/Fort Severn First Nations to develop opportunities linked to diamond mining in Northern Ontario;
  • $560,000 to the Pikangukum First Nation for the Whitefeather Forestry Project (Sustainable Forestry License);
  • $317,500 to the Eabametoong First Nation for community-based resource planning at Eabametoong and Mishkeegogamang;
  • $200,000 to the Seven Generations Education Institute for a Community Economic Development Officer Training Course;
  • $141,900 to the Big Grassy & Ojibways of Onigaming First Nations for activities related to the Assabaska Ojibway Heritage Park;
  • $100,000 to the Pic Mobert First Nation for a Forestry Situational Assessment;
  • $100,000 to the Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation for the Two Feather Forest Products Business Development initiative;
  • $64,700 to the Ojibways of Onigaming for a Water Bottling Manufacturing Feasibility Study;
  • $48,000 to the Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek (formerly known as Sand Point) to explore forestry initiatives;
  • $48,000 to the Ochiichagwe’Bagigo’Ining Ojibway Nation to explore economic ventures;
  • $40,000 to the Mattagami First Nation for mining strategy initiatives;
  • $40,000 to the Pic Mobert First Nation for a Mining Sector Opportunities Assessment;
  • $31,900 to the Batchewana First Nation for a Fisheries Management Plan; and,
  • $25,000 to the Nishnawbe-Aski Development Fund for a Hydro Project Development Workshop.

More information on each project can be found at the INAC web site at

In 2005-2006, INAC Ontario Region invested approximately $15 million in economic development funding to assist First Nations to improve their socio-economic conditions to help close the gaps between First Nations peoples and other Canadians.

For more information, please contact:

Linda Britt, Communications Officer
INAC Communications
(807) 624-1559

Chief Andrew Solomon
Fort Albany First Nation
(705) 278-1044

Chief Roy Gray
Fort Severn First Nation
(807) 478-2572

Chief Bobby Kelly
Ojibways of Onigaming
(807) 484-2162

Chief Esther Pitchenesse
Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation
(807) 938-6684

Chief Charlie O’Keese
Eabametoong First Nation
(807) 242-7221

Chief Connie Gray-McKay
Mishkeegogamang First Nation
(807) 928-2414

Mr. Mike Fox, Sector Specialist
Nishnabe-Aski Nation Development Fund

Mr. Delbert Horton
Seven Generations Education Institute
(807) 274-2796

Chief Charles Pascal
Pikangikum First Nation
(807) 773-5578

Chief Jeffrey Florent Desmoulin
Pic Mobert First Nation
(807) 822-2134

Chief Vernon Barry Henry
Ochiichagwe’babigo’ining First Nation
(807) 548-5876

Chief Dean Sayers
Batchewana First Nation
(705) 759-0914

Chief Albert Comegan
Big Grassy First Nation
(807) 488-5614

Chief Willis McKay
Mattagami First Nation
(705) 894-2072

Kristen Sills
University of Windsor
(519)256-3113 ext 25

Ms. Audrey Gilbeau
Economic Development Officer
Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek
(807) 623-2724