INAC provides First Nations funds for diesel fuel for power & transportation

Federal government press release ...

Federal Government Supporting Northern Ontario First Nations

KENORA, ONTARIO (January 17, 2007) - Mr. Rod Bruinooge, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for MĂ©tis and Non-Status Indians, announced a $18.6 million investment to northern Ontario First Nations, to upgrade infrastructure for power generation and to assist with pressures caused by remote and seasonal issues.

"Canada's new government is determined to ensure that First Nations peoples have the same access as other Canadians to the key elements of healthy and fulfilling lives," said Bruinooge. "This funding addresses the very real challenges faced by northern communities, especially remote and isolated First Nations in the Kenora region."

Canada's New Government has provided:

  • $8.6 million upgrade to the Wunnumin Lake diesel generating station. The upgrade will consist of building a new, larger diesel generating station near the community's airport that will allow more power to be generated to meet the current and future needs of the First Nation. The new facility will also allow for future expansion as required. Materials are being moved to the community on this year's ice road to allow construction to being this summer.
  • $4.7 million to 11 First Nations with independently-operated diesel generating systems (those operating outside Ontario's regulatory framework), in recognition of the impact of rising diesel fuel costs on generating and distributing electricity.
  • $3.5 million in one-time emergency funding to assist First Nations with the financial pressures associated with last winter's road conditions. Unseasonably warm temperatures delayed the opening of some winter roads, and caused load restrictions on others, which resulted in higher transportation costs for essential fuel and building supplies. This funding was transferred through the Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund.
  • As part of an Ontario-wide program, INAC is also providing $1.8 million to 75 northern Ontario First Nations for the operation of designated community buildings and vehicles, in recognition of the impact of rising diesel fuel costs on First Nation communities.

In 2006-2007, INAC is providing more than $946 million to Ontario First Nation communities and organizations for the delivery of basic services for First Nations on reserve (such as education, income assistance, infrastructure and First Nation government support), as well as for claims and self-government agreements.

For further information, please contact:

Tony Prudori
INAC Communications - Ontario Region
(807) 624-1535