Conference - FN Power Summit -Opponents, Proponents or Partners? in Calgary

FN Power Summit -Opponents, Proponents or Partners?

March 9 & 10, 2007— Calgary Sheraton Suites

Jim Prentice, the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs, Premiers, Hydro companies and Alternative Energy Companies will present at the “FN Power Summit” conference in Calgary. The conference runs March 9 &10, at the Sheraton Suites Hotel, and is expected to draw over two hundred people, so register early.

Canada is an emerging energy superpower. First Nation land and water provide unique operational and financial leverage. The conference will explore:

  • What leads to successful relationships between First Nations, Power companies and governments?
  • What principles and models lead to opportunity and wealth?
  • How can First Nations help develop energy projects “Opponents, Proponents or Partners”?
  • What is the role and direction of Provincial and Federal Governments' long-term energy plans?
  • What are the implications for the production of electricity?

“We are pleased to announce that our program co-chairs will be Willie Littlechild, Elmer Derrick, Strater Crowfoot and Matt Vickers,” stated Ken Thomas, CEO of First Nation Network and host of the conference.

Who should attend: First Nation leaders and managers, Chiefs, Councilors, Tribal Councils, Provincial and Territorial Organizations, AFOA members and CANDO members. Ministers, Policy Advisors and Analysts as well as executives and managers of Power Utilities, significant energy consumers, independent power producers and marketers, lawyers, consultants and government employees are also invited.


For further information, please contact:

Ken Thomas, CEO, First Nation Network,
T: 306.241.5655, F: 306-664-7176