Community sports and activities programs across Ontario to get funding support

Communities in Action Fund program is now available, application deadline is set for March 2, 2007 (see press release below).

The Communities In Action Fund (CIAF) aims to help bring about a physical activity and community sport culture in Ontario by helping local and provincial not-for-profit organizations provide and enhance opportunities for physical activity through community sport and recreation.

This initiative is a key piece of ACTIVE2010: Ontario’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategy that aims to help Ontarians be more physically active. The program also supports Ontario’s Action Plan for Healthy Eating and Active Living, which was introduced by the Minister of Health Promotion Jim Watson in June 2006.
Eligible program applicants can receive non-capital funding for projects falling under one or a combination of categories covering planning, implementation, and/or development.

Specific information regarding the focus and eligibility requirements can be found in the CIAF guidelines.

If your organization is interested in applying to the CIAF and helping your community to be more physically active, please contact myself at the email address below. Consultation with ministry staff is strongly encouraged before submitting an application.

By working together, we can help Ontarians realize the benefits of an active lifestyle and contribute to a healthier Ontario. 
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Full details available online, but if you have any difficulty please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Laurie Moyer
Regional Advisor
Regional Services Branch
Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Health Promotion, Sports and Recreation Branch
62 Queen Street, P.O. Box 267
Sioux Lookout, ON  P8T 1A3

Telephone: 807-737-1018
Fax:    807-737-3419

Ontario press release ...

McGuinty Government's Investment Keeping Ontario Active

Community Organizations Encouraged To Apply For Grants To Increase Rates of Physical Activity

TORONTO, Jan. 8 - For 2007-2008, the Ontario government is planning to invest $5 million into the highly successful Communities in Action Fund (CIAF) program, Health Promotion Minister Jim Watson announced today.

CIAF is a key initiative of the government's ACTIVE2010 Strategy and Ontario's Action Plan for Healthy Eating and Active Living. By improving opportunities for community sport and physical activity, CIAF helps to remove barriers to participation for children and youth, low-income families, aboriginal people, older adults, women and girls, visible/ethnic minorities and people with disabilities. Visit for details.

"Our government is investing in this important program because it is working at the community level to enhance health and fitness," said Watson. "CIAF helps to provide Ontarians with access to sport and recreational activities."

Over the last three years, more than $15.8 million in CIAF grants have been awarded to approximately 542 organizations at the provincial and local levels. The fund supports programs that reach people of all ages and backgrounds. Programs funded by these grants include everything from dancing, skateboarding, tai chi and a range of popular sports to after-school sport programs for children and youth as well as mentoring programs.

"CIAF funding has helped us to make physical activity an easy choice for children with developmental and physical disabilities," said Henk Engles, Executive Director of the Ontario Track 3 Ski Association. "Sports create an opportunity for children to develop self-respect, self esteem and independence. These are life long skills which help young people integrate into school and the community."

This year, application forms are available on the Ministry's website: Applicants are encouraged to contact a ministry consultant prior to filing an application; contact information can be found on the website. The program guidelines have been expanded to encourage applicants to demonstrate how their projects also meet two key additional ministry priorities: injury prevention and mental health promotion. Where appropriate, applicants are encouraged to demonstrate how their project supports these two priorities while increasing physical activity.

"The Communities In Action Fund has already helped thousands of Ontarians become more active," said Watson. "We want to encourage as many organizations as possible to apply for these grants and I'm looking forward to seeing the great work that community organizations will do with CIAF support in 2007."

The Ministry of Health Promotion was established to improve and deliver programs that contribute to healthy living and wellness in Ontario. Key priority areas include Ontario's smoke-free strategy, healthy eating, active living, sport and recreation, injury prevention and mental health promotion.

For further information: Adam Grachnik, Minister's Office, (416) 326-8497; Julie Rosenberg, Communications Branch, (416) 326-4833