Conference - Centre of Excellence for Children & Adolescents with Special Needs

Conference announcement and Call for presentations ...

Promising Practices in the North Workshop 2007
with a focus on: 
Behavioural Difficulties and Early Intervention & Screening


The workshop will provide an educational and networking experience for caregivers and professionals who support youth living in northern and rural Canada.

Focus of the Workshop

  • Behavioural Difficulties
    Examples:  conduct disorder, aggressive & disruptive behaviour, juvenile offenders, substance abuse, and behaviour management strategies
  • Early Intervention  &  Screening
    Examples:  development milestones, small and large motor, nutrition, speech and language,  social development and healthy development

Anticipated Audience
·             Families/caregivers
·             Community service providers
·             Education providers
·             Health care providers
·             Early Childhood Educators
·             Remote, rural and Northern community members

Workshop Date:  March 22 & 23, 2007 at the Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay. 

Hours:  Thursday 9am to 4pm & Friday 9am to 3:30 pm

Workshop Displays/Posters:

Vendors and service providers will be invited to have a display or poster presentation.  Please complete page 2 to register (see attached).  

How to submit your proposal (deadline January 22, 2007).

  1. Complete page 2 (see attached) and submit via fax or mail to the contact information listed below.   
  2. Please attach a 150-300 word summary of your presentation to this application.

Videoconferencing:  It is our goal to have the workshop sessions presented to remote and northern communities through video conference and online (webcast) technologies which will archive sessions to be available for viewing at any time.   Currently, our team is negotiating to have  videoconferencing available for the first time.  Details will follow.

Presentations should:

  1. Provide access to evidence-based information.
  2. Promote culturally appropriate theories, models, and strategies. 
  3. Reduce isolation by increasing networks of rural, remote and northern resources. 
  4. Educate the audience about interventions that can be immediately implemented.
  5. Initiate dialogue and exploration about the unique needs of families in the North.

Please contact Jodi with further questions.

Jodi Kurzhals, Site Coordinator
Centre of Excellence for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs
Learning and Communication
955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, ON  P7B 5E1
Phone:  807.343.8196
Fax:  807.346.7956
Website:  and