Conference announcement - Unlocking Aboriginal Potential in the Workforce

From The Aboriginal Human Resource Development Council of Canada (AHRDCC) conference web site at 

Unlocking Aboriginal Potential in the Workforce - National Aboriginal Recruitment, Retention & Advancement Conference

Conference Dates:

April 3, 2007 - Pre-conference Workshops
April 4 & 5, 2007 - Conference

Location: Fairmont Château Laurier, Ottawa

About the Conference
Unlocking Aboriginal Potential in the Workforce is the council's first national Aboriginal recruitment, retention and advancement conference. The conference will bring 250 human resource and Aboriginal diversity professionals from the employer, Aboriginal education and career development communities together for two-days of learning and networking in the eloquence of Ottawa's premier hotel, the Fairmont Château Laurier. The conference answers the call from Canada's employers and Aboriginal communities for an opportunity to advance new solutions toward Aboriginal workforce development and employment inclusion strategies in Canada.

Who Should Attend: Employers, Aboriginal employment practitioners, human resource & diversity managers, educators, and the career development community.

Call for Presenters
Deadline for submissions: January 26, 2007
Read the complete submission guidelines for workshop topic suggestions and details on submitting a prosposal.

Call for Presenters Guidelines - Deadline: Friday, January 26, 2007

The Aboriginal Human Resource Development Council of Canada (AHRDCC) invites submissions for conference workshops that highlight promising strategies/case studies/research and workforce partnership strategies that may generate creative new workforce solutions about:

  • human capital leadership initiatives
  • the implementation of Aboriginal workforce inclusion strategies
  • innovative concepts for recruitment, retention or advancement strategies
  • new methods to reach and engage the Aboriginal labour market.

Workshops should be concise, dynamic and interactive presentations that provide participants with resource tools and concepts that can be put to practical use in the workplace. Presenters are asked to focus on the lesson that needs to be delivered.

Workshops will be approximately 1.5 hours in length and as interactive as possible. Space is available for up to 50 delegates to attend each workshop. Some workshops may be offered more than once.

To show our gratitude to presenters we will provide each presenter with one complimentary conference registration. Presenters will be responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs.

Suggested Workshop Topics

  • building a workplace strategy upon the business case for Aboriginal inclusion
  • how to recruit the best Aboriginal talent
  • Aboriginal people with disabilities
  • overcoming barriers to employment
  • addressing social issues through employment
  • labour market trends and Aboriginal people
  • engaging and retaining an Aboriginal workforce
  • emerging human resource issues and trends in corporate Canada
  • communication and protocols for effective collaboration
  • marketing Aboriginal talent to employers
  • effective networking and business relationship building tips
  • employment law, legal issues, legislation, policies
  • partnership solutions among industry, education and Aboriginal Human Resource Development Agreement holders (AHRDAs)
  • organizational development and employee investment for success
  • strategies for lifelong learning and Aboriginal employee advancement
  • overcoming the cultural divide in partnerships,
  • workplaces and training
  • matching training to industry demands
  • growing trades opportunities
  • preparing the Aboriginal candidate for apprenticeship
  • retention of Aboriginal learners in secondary and post-secondary contexts
  • results and lessons learned from pilot projects in Aboriginal workforce development

Submitting a Proposal
Workshop presenters are encouraged to focus on one or two quality submissions rather than proposing a large number of presentations. The conference committee will consider a submission based on its appeal to a wide range of conference delegates and its relevance to the conference theme. You will be notified by email by Friday, February 9, 2007 if your presentation is selected.

Please provide the following:

  • a description of your workshop (approximately 100 words)
  • a brief description of what participants will learn and target audience
  • how your workshop addresses the conference theme
  • why your proposal should be selected
  • a brief biography/curriculum vitae or up-to-date resume including your experience as a speaker/presenter

Please forward the above information by email to the conference organizers before
4:00 p.m. PST, Friday January 26, 2007.

For more information, contact:

Unlocking Aboriginal Potential in the Workforce
c/o First Nations Training & Consulting Services
PO Box 5000
Saanichton, BC  V8M 2C5
p - 250.652.7097
f - 250.652.7039
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