Assembly of First Nations - Special Chiefs Assembly, Dec 5-7 in Ottawa

Everyone is invited to watch the AFN Special Chiefs Assembly online at The sessions are being webcast live.

From the AFN Press Release ...

     OTTAWA, Dec. 1  - The Assembly of First Nations Annual Special Chiefs Assembly is being held this Tuesday, December 5 to Thursday, December 7 at the Westin Hotel and Ottawa Congress Centre. A full agenda is posted on the AFN website,

December 5 Highlights include:

  •      National Chief Phil Fontaine's Opening Remarks at 9:45 a.m.; followed by National Protest "To Save Our Legacy", Parliament Hill, at 11:30 a.m.
  • Reports on AFN's Make Poverty History campaign; AFN's RCAP Report Card; update on United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Peoples; Chiefs in Assembly Statement.

December 6 Highlights include:

  •      Addressing Urgent Needs, Securing Sustainable Solutions: Drinking Water and Housing; presentations by Downtown Vancouver Eastside Women's Shelter, and Aboriginal Women on the Move Cycling to End Family Violence.

December 7 Highlights include:

  •      Address by INAC Minister Jim Prentice at approximately 9 a.m. and Closing Remarks by National Chief Phil Fontaine at 11:30 a.m.

     The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada.


/For further information: Bryan Hendry, A/Director of Communications, (613) 241-6789, ext. 229, Cell.: (613) 293-6106,; Media registration: Nancy Pine, Communications Advisor to National Chief, Cell.: (613) 298-6382,