Pelican Falls FN High School Co-op club travel to Yellowknife, NWT

November 24 update -  From Desa ... Today was awesome!  We went to the Legislative Building in NWT, consensus style model.  Then did a cultural exchange with the Dene High School-totally awesome!  We went out for artic char, whitefish, buffalo.

The PFFNHS Coop club is staying at the Yellowknife Inn at 867-873-2601

November 23 update - The Pelican Falls First Nations High School Co-op Club has arrived safely in NWT, Yellowknife. They are visiting local Aboriginal Youth, seeing the Northern Lights, etc. 

The participants come from the following communities: 

  • Deer Lake,
  • Sandy Lake,
  • Keewaywin,
  • Koochiching,
  • Big Trout,
  • North Spirit,
  • Pikangikum,
  • Long Dog Lake,
  • Wapekeka and
  • Thunder Bay. 

The weather is a balmy -30 degrees and there is a tremendous amount of snow.  We are heading to the NWT Museum and off to a job shadow experience at the APTN Affiliate this afternoon.

Desa (Co-op Teacher)