New online Sexual Health and Wellness sharing circle welcomes all visitors!

The Sexual Health and Wellness Sharing Circle is now up and running!  This circle is for education and the sharing of information related to sexual health, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), relationships, condom use and birth control, and HIV/AIDS.  This site is also for asking questions and having discussions on topics related to sexual health and wellness.  The information is presented in an interesting format to help visitors and participants have a enjoyable learning experience about these important topics!

Please feel free to enroll or subscribe at any point, or just visit as a guest.  Don't forget to check out the workshop materials, as well as the Aboriginal specific information related to HIV/AIDS. 

Also, there are four quizzes to help challenge your knowledge on topics such as STIs and HIV/AIDS.  Each quiz has 15 questions, made up of a variety of multiple choice and true/false questions!

Everyone is welcome to visit the site, share their stories, learn from each other and ask respectful questions!  There will be some tweaking of the page now and then, with new announcements posted, and hopefully the discussion board will be busy with your submissions and questions!

The site address is  It can also be found through the K-Net Meeting place website by clicking on the "Health" department and then finding "Sexual Health and Wellness" under the "Meeting Areas" heading.

Ian Wilson (, a youth volunteer scholar from British Columbia, is visiting the Sioux Lookout area for a four or five month period in the hope of sharing some of his knowledge and information with others. He is volunteering and working with Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Wahsa Distance Education Centre, Queen Elizabeth District High School and with the K-Net team. His online sharing circle provides a great opportunity for everyone to learn about healthy sexual behaviours and wellness. Please take the time to welcome Ian and share your stories and information about this important topic.