Online multi-media resource provides traditional Aboriginal teachings from several nations

An impressive online multi-media presentation called "The Four Directions Teachings", found at, provides a rich resource for everyone to learn more about Aboriginal people, their understanding of their place on this earth and their relationship to all things.

From the Introduction ...

Four Directions Teachings celebrates Indigenous oral traditions by honoring the process of listening with intent as each elder or traditional teacher shares a teaching from their perspective on the richness and value of cultural traditions from their nation.

In honor of the timelessness of Indigenous oral traditions, audio narration is provided throughout the site, complimented by beautifully animated visuals. In addition, the site provides free curriculum packages for grades 1 to 12 to further explore the vast richness of knowledge and cultural philosophy that is introduced within each teaching. The curriculum is provided in downloadable PDF and can also be read online through the Teacher’s Resources link.

The elders and traditional teachers who have shared a teaching on this site were approached through a National Advisory Committee of Indigenous people concerned with the protection and promotion of Indigenous knowledge. This committee was formed directly for the purposes of this website to ensure a community based approach that was respectful and accountable.

Four was made possible through the Canadian Culture Online Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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