Dog Sled Expedition.

Jim Ryder, from Wisconsin, USA, began a solo dog sled expedition on March 16th. He started in Fort Severn and will go through Peawanuck, Attawapiskat, Kashechewan, Fort Albany and end in Moosonee. Jim encourages people to stop and say hello. From Moosonee Jim will ride with his dogs and sled in a rail road box car to Cochrane where his pick up crew will meet him. Jim has enough food for his dogs and himself to last 40 days. That doesn’t include the 5 day trip to get to Fort Severn from Wisconsin, nor the 3 day trip from Cochrane to home.

Ryder raised all of his ten dogs he has on his expedition. They are all greenlanders, a breed of sled dogs from Greenland that are well known for their strength and good disposition, not speed. & of his dogs were with him on his expedition last year that started in Churchill, intended to go through Fort Severn and end up in Moosonee. Unfortunately bad weather dramatically slowed his progress. With food supplies dwindling, jim chose to pull out at Gillam.

Jim Ryder lives on Madeline Island which is off the North Coast of Wisconsin in Lake Superior. Jim owns and runs “The Island Inn Motel” on Madeline Island, and also sells real estate. In the winter months, Jims gives guided dog sled trips to people of all ages and abilities. Some trips may consist of a few hours, others can last 2 - 3 days, winter camping and visits to other islands on the frozen Lake Superior.

When asked why he would do a 40 day solo trip, Jim said it was to have a chance to be alone and reflect. The adventure is a bonus.

View pictures of Jim's Preperations and departure from Fort Severn.