United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples being debated

The upcoming UN resolution adopting the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is creating problems for the federal government who first voted against it at the committee level. In the House of Commons on Friday, the INAC rep once again side stepped a direct question concerning the adoption of the declaration (see the exchange after the AFN press release). Review the declaration from the link at the end of this KNEWS story.

Press Release from ...


UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Conservative government increasingly isolated in its unprincipled opposition to vital human rights instrument

     OTTAWA, Nov. 2 /CNW Telbec/ - With the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples set to receive final consideration and historic adoption by the UN General Assembly, Aboriginal peoples and human rights organizations in Canada are welcoming a show of support by the three parties representing the majority of Canadian parliamentarians.

     On Tuesday, the House Committee on Aboriginal Affairs adopted a resolution calling on the government to support the immediate adoption of the Declaration. The seven committee members representing the Liberals, Bloc Québécois and NDP supported the resolution, while the three Conservative members opposed.

     This week, the Declaration is being debated at a Committee of the UN General Assembly. If supported by the Third Committee, the Declaration, which has already been adopted by the UN Human Rights Council, will pass to the plenary of the General Assembly for adoption by December of this year.

     The Declaration, which provides minimum standards for the dignity, survival and well-being of the world's Indigenous peoples, has been under discussion within the United Nations for more than two decades.

     In recent years, Canada had played a key role role in the negotiation of the Declaration and has collaborated with Indigenous peoples to draft a number of the provisions that have been critical in building support among other states.

     However, since the election of the Conservative government, Canada has joined with the United States, Australia and New Zealand in denouncing provisions that Canada had previously supported.

     In June 2006, the Commons Aboriginal Affairs Committee adopted a resolution calling on the government to support the Declaration at the first meeting of the new UN Human Rights Council. Canadian representatives to the Council instead led the opposition to the Declaration but were able to convince only one other Council member, Russia, to join Canada in voting against the Declaration.

     The Conservative government has slowly disclosed a long list of articles that it wants rewritten. However, its arguments to date do not stand up to scrutiny. Nor has it been able to convincingly explain why Canada has reversed its previous position in support of the Declaration.

     Indigenous peoples and human rights organizations say that the government should uphold Canada's international reputation, respect the will of Parliament and support the Declaration. However, the Conservative government has rigidly refused to consult Indigenous peoples on this crucial human rights issue and has already announced that Canada will continue to vote against the Declaration.

     The Declaration is urgently needed as a major step towards addressing the widespread human rights violations affecting Indigenous peoples globally.


/For further information: Media Contacts: Beth Berton-Hunter, Amnesty International Media Officer, (416) 363-9933 ext 32; Bryan Hendry, Assembly of First Nations, A/Director of Communications, (613) 241-6789 ext 229; Adiat Junaid, Communications Coordinator, KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, (416) 463-5312 ext 223; Jennifer Preston, Canadian Friends Service Committee, (416) 920-5213; Linda Kayseas, Native Women's Association of Canada Media Coordinator, (613) 722-3033, ext. 231; Louis Moubarak, Rights & Democracy, (514) 283-6073, ext. 261; Also endorsed by Inuit Circumpolar Conference Canada and Ligue des droits et libertés./


From http://www2.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Pub=hansard&Language=E&Mode=1&Parl=39&Ses=1#SOB-1754520

Ms. Jean Crowder (Nanaimo—Cowichan, NDP): 

    Mr. Speaker, the world is paying attention to how poorly the government is treating first nations. This week, Iran, notorious for its human rights abuses, called Canada to task for its treatment of aboriginal peoples.

    It is shameful that the government has decided to abandon 20 years of work and vote against the UN declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples.

    Will the government commit to supporting the declaration and resolving the situation in Caledonia so that Canada can hold its head up at the United Nations instead of lowering it with shame?

Mr. Rod Bruinooge (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, CPC): 

   Mr. Speaker, our government will take absolutely no lectures from the government of Iran on the rights of aboriginals in our country.

    We are moving forward for aboriginal Canadians and for families that have not seen matrimonial real property. We are moving forward with a plan that will bring forward human rights where they have not been before.

    We are very proud of the action being taken by the minister.


For background information and the content of the declaration download a copy from  http://www.tebtebba.org/tebtebba_files/hrc/hrc1/HRCResol.pdf